
Decoding Omni-Channel Marketing: Winning Strategies for Commercial Printers

   2024-09-29 140
 To successfully sell omnichannel communications campaigns to marketers, brand owners and C-level executives, commercial printers need to invest in their salespeople’s business development, sales st

 To successfully sell omnichannel communications campaigns to marketers, brand owners and C-level executives, commercial printers need to invest in their salespeople’s business development, sales strategy and technical skills. The Knapker Institute's ongoing survey of commercial printers, marketers, print buyers and brand owners identifies opportunities and essential requirements for commercial printers to offer omnichannel services that combine print and digital media. The survey also revealed that print is a core part of omnichannel marketing campaigns.


  A 2023 Knapker Institute survey of 316 communications buyers and influencers found that the average number of media types used in a typical omnichannel marketing campaign was four. Additionally, 81% of respondents said they include print in their omnichannel marketing campaigns. A major factor convincing organizations to invest more in the use of print is the ability to connect it to digital channels. At the same time, digital media enhances the effectiveness of print media. Key developments that increase the value of combining print and digital media in integrated campaigns include:


  The software automates message integration across channels while leveraging customer data to improve marketing results.

  Consumers are widely aware of QR codes and how to use them.

  The ability of digital print output devices to enable personalized communications.

  Enhancements to tools for tracking campaign results.


  The value of print in omnichannel marketing campaigns


  Communications buyers and influencers who participated in the Kipker Institute’s 2023 survey were also asked to identify their organizations’ top reasons for incorporating print into omnichannel communications campaigns. Here are the responses to that question:


  The answer to this question both shows the value print offers and provides insights into what should be included in sales conversations. Understanding why potential customers are likely to value print in an omnichannel marketing campaign can be part of a discussion about the role of print and the results it delivers in such campaigns.


  Commercial printers also acknowledge that using both print and digital media is an increasingly popular option with customers. Surveys conducted by the Knapk Institute in 2021 and 2023 indicate that demand is rising. In both surveys, respondents were asked whether the need to link print to digital media was increasing, staying the same, or decreasing. In the 2021 survey, 42% of commercial printers said the need to connect print with digital media was increasing, compared with 53% in 2023.


  Omni-channel marketing campaigns that combine print and digital media often amplify customer messages and results. The goal of omnichannel marketing is to provide an integrated and unified customer experience across multiple communication channels throughout the customer’s buying journey. The idea is that presenting a unified message across every customer interaction has more impact than a disconnected experience.


  The combination of digital media and direct mail is one area that will significantly expand omnichannel opportunities for commercial printers. More than 89% of direct mail users who participated in the 2022 Knapker Institute/SeQuel Direct Mail Survey said they currently integrate or plan to integrate digital media and direct mail. The number one factor driving demand for direct mail is the ability to leverage digital media to improve its performance to create omnichannel marketing campaigns. The Knapker Institute recently released a report, “Direct Mail and Digital Media: The Winning Omni-Channel Marketing Mix,” which explores the factors that make combining the two more effective and the opportunities available to organizations that print direct mail.


  Have confidence in your printing supplier


  A common stumbling block for commercial printers considering selling omnichannel campaigns is the belief that customers will doubt their expertise. An important consideration for any organization when selecting a provider is confidence in its ability to perform the job successfully.


  According to the Nepco Research/Canon USA study, "Driving Your Business Forward in a Changing Competitive Landscape," 75 communications buyers and influencers who participated in the study asked print providers to execute omnichannel marketing campaigns. The many elements required give a high level of trust. More than half of respondents said they were very/very confident in using a printing provider for the following services:


  sales meeting influencer


  In the same survey, participating buyers and influencers gave a variety of reasons why they would be willing to make a sales call with a print provider.


  The findings point to strategies that commercial printers should consider and adopt to win sales meetings with customers for all types of work. Applying these strategies to sales omnichannel marketing campaigns, commercial printers should consider taking the following actions to attract prospects’ attention, market services, schedule calls, and win work:


  Demonstrate knowledge of the prospect's organization and their needs. This is important because 70% of respondents cited the provider's knowledge of their company and its needs as the top influencing factor in accepting a sales meeting. This finding means that sales promotion efforts need to demonstrate a level of understanding of the prospect's organization and how your services will meet the organization's needs.


  Provide samples, case studies, or other examples to demonstrate competency. Two-thirds of respondents said samples are highly influential when deciding to hold sales meetings with print providers. Companies must demonstrate that they have the capabilities and experience with omnichannel marketing campaigns. Using an omnichannel marketing campaign to market yourself demonstrates your capabilities.


  For example, Niles, Illinois-based Darwill posted a short, informative video on its social media channels highlighting what customers can expect when working with the company on a marketing campaign. The 72-second video not only outlines the steps of the campaign process, but also shows the inside of Darwill's operations.


  Ask current customers for recommendations, referrals, and referrals. 62% of respondents expressed the importance of references. For example, a recent customer testimonial posted on Darwill's Facebook page highlighted how its expertise delivers results. Marissa Kunkel, director of annual giving at Trinity Christian College, noted in her remarks: “Of the many other direct mail companies I have worked with in the past, Darwill is ahead of all others because of their data-driven approach to identifying our institution. best practices.”


  Host educational events. 59% of respondents said that when a print provider invites them to an educational event, it has a strong influence on receiving a sales call. Print providers who host open houses, conduct educational webinars, and publish online educational tools demonstrate credibility in meeting customer requirements.


  evaluate and adjust your online presence. With 61% of respondents stating that a print provider's online presence affects the decision to receive a sales call, the quality of the website and social media pages is important. Elements of your online presence, including clearly defined services, work examples, thought leadership content and website design, all influence buyer perceptions. A strong content marketing program (videos, blogs, social media, infographics, and white papers) can be a competitive advantage because it positions a print services provider as a trusted expert and industry leader.


  Bluegrass Integrated Communications' Lexington, Kentucky-based website reflects its capabilities as an omnichannel marketing campaign provider. The company was founded in 1974 as BlueGrass Mailing, Data & Fulfillment and today positions itself as an omnichannel communications and marketing company. The company's website highlights how it works with clients, from concept and design to development and implementation. The company named its omnichannel offering "Amplify."


  Bluegrass Integrated Communications also offers a wealth of resources on its website, including e-books on "How to Launch an Omni-Channel Marketing Campaign," "Omni-Channel Marketing for HVAC Services," and "Omni-Channel Marketing for Nonprofits."


  Consider a team sales team. Sales methods include pairing sales representatives with production or technical personnel to work together to close deals. This approach combines the skills of team members to achieve better sales results. For example, when selling an omnichannel marketing campaign, having multiple salespeople with the knowledge required to represent various campaign elements can eliminate potential customer concerns about the provider's ability to execute the project.

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